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Red Light Therapy

If you want to feel better, reduce pain & inflammation, enhance your workouts & weight loss, boost your energy and mood then our quick comfortable red light treatments will help you to do so. 


Full-body Red Light Therapy encourages healing at the cellular level and triggers a cascade of effects to help repair and rejuvenate the body.

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How Does Red Light Therapy Work?

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Red and Near-Infrared Light penetrates the skin & deep layers of the body (tissues, muscle, bone & brain) stimulating increased circulation & healing at the cellular level…in every cell in the body. 

With Red Light, cells can produce more energy to stimulate repair, triggering a cascade of healing effects.  Healthier cells mean healthier organs and internal systems.

Red Light reverses oxidative stress and encourages the body to work better, increasing energy & stamina.

Once absorbed the light energy is converted to cellular energy stimulating the body’s natural processes on a cellular level and kicking off a whole series of metabolic events including:

  • Increased circulation and the formation of new capillaries. 1

  • Increased lymph system activity.

  • Increased production of collagen and fibroblasts. 2

  • Increased release of ATP, or raw cellular energy. 3

  • Increased phagocytosis, or cellular clean-up.

  • Tissue granulation stimulated. 4

  • Inflammation reduced. 5

All these things work together to produce many benefits for you in the areas of anti-aging, the healing of wounds and injuries, and the relief of pain.

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Red Light Therapy works at the cellular level to support healing & reverse oxidative stress.

  • Manage Pain & Inflammation without drugs

  • FDA Approved To:

    • Reduce Inflammation

    • Reduce Pain

    • Increase Circulation

    • Improve Range of Motion in Joints

  • Red Light Therapy has been used to treat symptoms of:

    • Fibromyalgia

    • Arthritis

    • Nex, Joint & Back Pain

    • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

    • Depression & Anxiety

    • Chronic Fatigue

    • Neuropathy

    • Side Effects from Cancer Treatments

  • Boost Cellular Energy via ATP Production

  • Triggers Healing at the Cellular Level

  • Reverse & Prevent Oxidative Stress

  • Enhanced Cognitive Performance & Function

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Benefits for Pain & Inflamation

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Pain Management Benefits

Anti-Aging Effects

Gua Sha Massage

The structural protein known as collagen, along with its cousin elastin, makes up about 80 percent of the skin. These proteins act as a flexible support structure. You can see the deterioration of this structure when collagen and elastin production is low.


Studies on red light therapy treatments have consistently shown an increase in intradermal collagen density after treatment. Higher collagen density means tighter skin that feels firmer and fuller.


Elastin is the protein that allows the skin to stretch. Like collagen, elastin production slows over the years, but this slowdown is accelerated by mitochondrial dysfunction. Luckily, it can be reversed by treating the skin with red light therapy. 


In a 2007 study, researchers from South Korea treated participants with a combination of 633nm red light and 830nm NIR light twice a week for four weeks. The result was a dramatic increase in skin elasticity among participants. 


The combination of greater collagen density and more elastin within the skin can smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, effectively giving you a “facelift” and leaving your skin feeling youthful – without expensive and potentially harmful surgery.

According to a 2017 paper by world-renowned photo-biomodulation researcher Michael R. Hamblin, red light therapy treatments also reduce inflammation, which can cause (or be caused by) oxidative stress.


This is of major significance because if inflammation is interfering with mitochondrial functioning, it directly affects emerging cells. No inflammation means better cellular functioning, and therefore an improvement in the health of new skin.


A 2020 study by Italian and Russian researchers concluded that LED light therapy stimulates the growth of endothelial cells, which make up the tiny capillaries within the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. 

Increasing both blood and lymphatic system circulation will deliver more oxygen and nutrients and remove waste and toxins. 


LED light therapy treatments (again, specifically red and NIR light) have also been shown to stimulate vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels) for better circulation. This helps with tissue repair whether you're trying to improve skin complexion or healing minor skin wounds.


Low intensity light therapy increases blood flow to the skin, an action that can decrease healing times for cutaneous injuries or wounds.

By stimulating the formation of tiny blood vessels known as capillaries, red light helps increase blood flow to a treatment area. This creates a rush of nutrients and oxygen to cells and aids in the removal of waste that may interfere with the healing process.  

Anti-Aging Effects Info

major scientific review that confirmed this was published in May 2019 by researchers from Taiwan, who analyzed nine published randomized controlled trials that collectively involved 325 fibromyalgia patients. Overall, about 95 percent of patients receiving LLLT demonstrated statistically significant improvement in their pain severity, fatigue, depression, and other factors, without any adverse side effects.

In the published review, the authors write: “Our results provided the most up-to-date and relevant evidence regarding the effects of LLLT in fibromyalgia.” The authors go on to say that “LLLT is an effective, safe, and well-tolerated treatment” for the disorder.

Increased Cellular Energy

Red light therapy’s ability to stimulate energy production within cells is at the heart of what makes it helpful for fibromyalgia sufferers. Increased energy production in cells means they can perform their specialized functions, protect themselves from pathogens, repair themselves, and replicate normally. 

When this process goes in the other direction, however—meaning cellular energy production decreases—it can lead to a condition called mitochondrial dysfunction. Research has shown that this condition is responsible for a huge variety of conditions including, as a 2011 study shows, neurodegenerative diseases.

Red light has been shown to stimulate cellular metabolic functioning to reverse mitochondrial dysfunction. As Dr. Hamblin explains in a 2019 study published in Photonics: “Improved metabolic functioning is one of the most easily recognizable effects of [photobiomodulation], and increased intracellular ATP production is one the most strongly supported mechanisms of action.” This, in turn, stimulates the following beneficial processes.


Reduced Brain Inflammation 

According to some researchers, fibromyalgia may be a central inflammatory disorder that may be caused by an abnormal cytokine release in the brain. Cytokines are small proteins released by immune system cells. 

Research has shown that too many pro-inflammatory cytokines and not enough anti-inflammatory cytokines can cause inflammation of the central nervous system (a condition commonly found in fibromyalgia). NIR wavelengths can absorb into the brain to reduce chronic inflammation and regulate levels of both pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. It also stimulates blood flow, which delivers nutrients and oxygen to brain cells and removes waste products and toxins.

Reducing inflammation can prevent further damage to the central nervous system, as well as the peripheral nervous system, which refers to all the nerves that are outside the brain and spinal cord. This can support the restoration of normal pain signaling.


Sports Recovey

Sport Performance & Recovery

Muscular Man Lifting Kettle Ball

Collagen and elastin are primary components of muscle and connective tissue. The elevated collagen and elastin levels evoked by red light therapy stimulate healing, accelerate muscle and tissue recovery, and strengthen tendons and cartilage.

The potential of sustaining a sports injury is lessened when red light therapy is part of your fitness routine. If you do sustain an injury, however, your body’s ability to heal more quickly has already been triggered at the cellular level if you have been regularly utilizing red light therapy.

Enhanced blood flow, reduced inflammation, and higher oxygen levels in your cells help to heal muscle and tissue damage and internal bruising at the quickest possible rate.

Examples of exercise-related conditions and sports injuries that are effectively treated by red light therapy include:

  • cartilage tears

  • knee injuries

  • tennis elbow

  • tendonitis in any joint or muscle

  • back pain, soreness, strains, or sprains

  • muscle strains or sprains

  • rotator cuff tears

  • Achilles tendon strains or tears

  • ”shin splints” (shin pain caused by overworking shin muscles and tendons), common in runners and dancers

  • general joint, nerve, and muscle soreness

Red light reduces inflammation (redness and swelling), speeds clearing and helps prevent new scars.


Visible red light (630nm-700nm) therapy is an effective, scientifically, and clinically proven acne treatment that speeds the skin’s natural healing process and efficiently prevents scarring. David Olszewski, EE, IE, and co-author of Light Years Ahead: The Illustrated Guide to Full Spectrum and Colored Light in Mindbody Healing discovered that there is a 200% increase in the speed at which skin heals when it is exposed to visible red light.


In fact, in 1903, Niels Finsen won the Nobel Prize in Physiology for his use of red light in small pox treatment for the acceleration of healing and the prevention of scarring. Finsen also used the same red light techniques to treat lupus patients, successfully aiding in the treatment of this often
disfiguring disease.


When different wavelengths (colors) of light shine on the skin, they are absorbed into the skin, setting off natural processes within it. Different results are achieved depending on the color of the light. Red light is known to increase blood flow and oxygen flow, accelerate the skin’s natural healing processes, and reduce pain.


Visible red LED light can penetrate the skin to a depth of about 8 to 10 mm. Once absorbed, the light provides adequate energy to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. This makes visible red light therapy an ideal acne treatment, as it decreases inflammation, speeds acne clearing, and reduces scarring – exactly what acne sufferers are looking for.

Skin Disorders

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Acne skin treatments

Weight Loss & Cellulite 

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red light therapy activates an enzyme called cytochrome c oxidase. This enzyme has the capability to open the pores in fat cells. Imagine a water balloon in which little holes on the surface were opened and resulted in water leaking from those holes.


The same thing happens with fat cells via cytochrome c oxidase. Fat can’t stay inside the fat cell once cytochrome c oxidase turns on and opens the pores. The fat cells then deflate like a balloon. 

Where does the fat go? Into the bloodstream. And once you start exercising or turning off metabolic pathways that store fat – such as not eating high glycemic index foods or foods and beverages loaded with sugar – that fat that is circulating in the bloodstream is burned for energy. 

Once the fat is burned for energy, it doesn’t exist anymore. That’s exactly what you want – fat cells that are somehow incinerated and gone forever. 

This is why it would be self-sabotaging to eat that entire carton of ice cream from your freezer after having a red light therapy session during the day. You want to help your body and not work against it. 

Interestingly, in one of the interviews about  red light therapy, the inventor discussed studies where athletes were exercising with aerobic and resistance types of exercise. Some of the athletes had the red light therapy on the same day they exercised while the rest of them had no red light therapy at all.

Those who had the red light therapy AND exercised had a 15% boost of their peak performance compared to only 10% in those that did only exercise. 

Exercise stepped into the picture and burned the fat that the red light therapy had released into the bloodstream. It’s a good example of how you can work WITH your body to create higher levels of wellness. 

How Many Inches Could You Lose with Red Light Therapy?

Other researchers revealed startling evidence from their study that red light therapy sessions at 635 nm with the light six inches away from the body three times a week for six weeks caused a 5 inch reduction in hips, abdominals, waistlines, and thighs. 

Another study, this time for only 2 weeks with 67 volunteers and 3 sessions of red light therapy per week led to a 1-inch loss in the waistline, 1-inch loss in the hips, and 0.65 inches from the thighs. You might be thinking that’s not much, but actually it’s not too bad for those who aren’t dieting, aren’t altering their diet in any way, and aren’t exercising.


Red Light Therapy for depression works by solely targeting the head, whereas Red Light Therapy for anxiety can be absorbed anywhere on the body, not just the head.  This is thought to be due to the fact that some mitochondria cross the entire body, and so the red light treatment may affect your anxiety symptoms even if you are not administering it to your head.

Red Light Therapy can increase your energy, help you to sleep better, reduce mental fatigue, and decrease inflammation.  While scientists are still in the process of studying exactly how RLT can help with anxiety, there are a studies that have been published that have promising results.  Both studies found that GAD patients experienced significant reductions in their symptoms after 8 weeks of RLT Treatment.

Red light therapy helps to eliminate that feeling of lethargy that accompanies low mood anxiety.  Mitochondria are the “powerhouse” of cells and are stimulated by red light therapy.  This energy is then distributed where it is most needed.  Red light therapy supports your mental health by stimulating areas of the brain related to certain types of depression and anxiety.  There has been significant success in clinical trials and studies using red light therapy with animals such as reduced levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, increased serotonin levels in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, and reduced nitric oxide intensities in those same areas of the brain.

Anti-Anxiety & Depression Treatments

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Anxiety Depression
Cancer Treatment
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